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Blythe Landing Self Storage in Huntersville NC

During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to do our part to keep you and our staff healthy! We continue to make our storage facility safe for you to visit and find the ideal storage space and supplies for your move. Learn more about the measures we are taking to achieve a safe storage facility and healthy staff to assist you.

What We Continue To Do

Storage Unit

Contactless Online Rentals

Shop for your storage unit from home! Rent self storage near you using our online storage calculator and online rental options.

Cell Phone

Online Services Available

Skip coming into the office to pay your monthly bill and set your account up with the automatic bill pay option. Create an account and get started today!

Social Distancing

Practice Social Distancing

Our team is on site and here to help any time. To keep everyone as safe as possible we installed plexiglass shields at our office counters and will continue to practice social distancing.

Hand Washing

Good Hygiene: Hands & Highly Touched Surfaces

We diligently wash our hands and highly touched surfaces after each customer interaction. We continue to provide masks and gloves for teammates.


We Stay Home So You Stay Healthy

We monitor our health every day and advise our team members to stay home when sick or feeling under the weather. We will rest and recover at home so we can get back to helping you.


How You Can Help

Face Mask

Wear A Face Covering

When visiting the office please wear a protective face covering. This extra layer of protection ensures you and our staff are being as safe as possible.

6 Feet Apart

Stay 6 Feet Apart

Please help us keep germs from spreading while moving in and keep a safe distance from other customers and our team members.


Unwell? Recover at Home!

If you are feeling unwell please stay home and recover. Our easy-to-use online bill pay options, contactless storage rentals, and convenient inquiry page are all here to help you while you get back to 100%.